Downloading a query results report

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Downloading a query results report

After you’ve made a query of your contracts, you can download a spreadsheet report of the query results.

  1. To download your results, first make a query of your contracts on the Query page.
  2. You will see a list of contracts that match your query appear.
  3. Query will automatically display the clause types that you searched by.
  4. You can view more clause types in your Query results by clicking the Show/Hide button above your query results. This button allows you to select which clause types to display on your query results list. Importantly, it also allows you to select which of these clause types show up as columns within your results download spreadsheet.
  5. Click the CSV button to download your results. Your browser will immediately begin downloading a .csv spreadsheet of your results on your computer.
  6. The CSV will contain all of the clause types that you’ve selected to include as columns of your spreadsheet, as well as the text of the clause that contained that labelled property in a separate column.