Uploading executed contracts in Query

HomeManaging contractsUploading executed contracts in Query

Uploading executed contracts in Query

Robin AI’s Query module allows users to upload many contracts at once and have their clauses be automatically labelled by Robin AI’s machine learning algorithm.

.docx and .pdf files can be uploaded to Query.

To upload one or many contracts to Query:

  1. Click the Upload Executed Contract button when viewing the Query contract hub.
  2. Select the contract(s) you want to upload to Query.
  3. You will be taken to the Upload Queue. This is where uploaded contracts can be configured before they are fully imported into Query. Each uploaded contract needs to have a Contract Type and a Group set for it to be fully imported into Query.
  4. Set the Contract Type for each contract. Upon upload, Robin AI’s machine learning algorithm will read through uploaded contracts and automatically try to assign a Contract Type. You can set this yourself if you want.
  5. Set the Group for each contract.

Hint: If you’re uploading many contracts at once, it might be easier to use Query’s bulk assign feature. This feature allows you to select many contracts to have their Contract Types and Groups set at once.